Thursday, 9 June 2011

Day 67 – Gingin – Cervantes (Pinacles) 8th June

We packed up and headed to the Gravity Discovery Centre first thing in the morning. This institution is a research centre and also an education centre. It had great exhibits, a walk up the a tower with a 15 degree lean (The Leaning Tower of Pisa has 5 degrees) where you could thrown water filled balloons at a height to determine the effect of free-fall and gravity on objects of different weights. This site has a great series of hands on experiments, friendly staff and all of a sudden, you're learning – just dont tell the kids! They, incidentally, thought it was awesome.

Leaning Tower of Gingin

Water balloons for the tower

Which will land first?

Mural of creation

We drove on to our next stop, a small sleepy town by the ocean, called Lancelin a ½ hour further north. A quick stop at the tourist information office led us to decide to sand-board! We hired a couple of boards at the nearby grocery shop for $10 each for 2 hours – a bargain. Then it was off to the largest sand-dunes adjacent to the town we could find for a couple of hours of fun. It's set in a dune area for 4WD and we saw a couple trying their luck on the dunes. After a few tentative slides down some small slopes, the kids were soon finding the steepest descents they could. We waxed the boards more than recommended to reduce friction and we all went down some pretty radical dunes dude. Yeah man – awesome.

Lancelin Dune 4WD area

Jordan riding the dune down
Yo dudes and dudette!

What wasn't so awesome was that I inadvertently dropped my iphone in the sand – and we spent ½ hour looking for it. We were lucky to find it, having initially driven off. Luckily, eagle eyed Jordan came to the rescue, remembering a stop we had made where I had got out of the car.

We ended the day driving to Cervantes to be near the Pinacles. We drove down the new Indian Ocean Drive. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find any free camping spot on the new road so had to pay for a unpowered site in Cervantes. At least we will be near the attractions tomorrow morning.

View along the Indian Ocean Drive


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